Joint application for higher education degree programmes offered in English starts on 4 January 2023

The spring first joint application for higher education degree programmes starts on 4 January and ends on 18 January at 15:00 Finnish time. In this joint application, applicants apply for degree programmes offered in English starting in autumn 2023. 

In the spring first joint application, universities of applied sciences (UAS) have 106 study programmes available for application. 3,224 study places are available for Bachelor’s degrees and 1,112 study places for Master’s degrees in different UAS.

International UAS Exam is a joint digital entrance exam of Finnish universities of applied sciences, used in selecting students for UAS degree programmes offered in English. Most UAS study programmes use the International UAS Exam. There are 94 study programmes included in the joint application, with a total of 2,525 study places. UAS also have other selection methods which can be used in selecting students for their programmes.

The International UAS Exam consists of two phases conducted online. The first phase written exam is organised on 8 February and the second phase group interviews between 6 and 17 March 2023. In some study programmes in social and health care, the applicants’ Finnish/Swedish skills are assessed in an oral language skills test which is organised between 20 and 22 March 2023. Those applicants who score the highest in the first phase written exam in their study field are going to be invited to the second phase group interview.

Student selection for study programmes offered in English in Finnish UAS has been developed towards a simpler and more uniform direction in 2021–2022. Now, the International UAS Exam is used in all fields of study, and it has replaced the previous field-specific entrance exams. Applying is now easier than before because the applicants can apply with a single exam for many different study programmes offered in different UAS.

Important dates:

  • Joint application period 4–18 January 2023
  • First phase written exam 8 February 2023
  • Second phase group interviews 6–17 March 2023
  • Finnish/Swedish oral language skills test 20–22 March 2023
  • Selection results disclosed to the applicants on 2 June 2023 at the latest
  • Studies begin in autumn 2023


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Joint application for higher education degree programmes offered in English starts on 4 January 2023