Entrance examination for universities of applied sciences to be carried out in two stages

The entrance examinations for universities of applied sciences will be carried out in June in two separate stages. The stage one entrance examination date is 4 June. This will be held remotely as an online exam. The date and method of implementation for the second stage will be announced later in May.

The university of applied sciences entrance examination is being carried out in two stages in order to verify the identity of the candidates. This is important to prevent cheating. If any cheating is detected, the person’s exam will be rejected.

The first stage of the entrance examination is open to all applicants who were not accepted for their top choice through the certificate-based admissions. The results for the certificate-based admissions will be published no later than 27 May.

The applicant needs a functioning computer and internet connection to complete the entrance examination.

The most successful applicants from the first stage will be invited to participate in the second stage.

Both exams assess the applicants’ capacities for higher education studies, and there are no preliminary material for either of them. In this respect, the arrangements are no different from the normal university of applied sciences entrance examination.

Universities of applied sciences consider it important that applicants also have other routes into a degree programme besides certificate-based admissions. Universities of applied sciences will also use the study paths of the Open University of Applied Sciences as an entrance route, as previously announced. 

The universities of applied sciences have worked together to develop a digital entrance examination that is useful also in exceptional circumstances. The universities will also benefit in their own admissions processes from the system developed.

A total of 92 000 applicants applied to universities of applied sciences through the joint application process which ended on 1 April. Of these, 75 000 registered via the joint application process for the entrance examination. Tens of thousands of applicants are expected to take the second stage of the entrance examination.

More detailed instructions regarding the examination will be published on the ammattikorkeakouluun.fi website.

An article entitled ‘Answers to questions about student admissions to universities of applied science’ has been published on Arene and the websites of the universities of applied sciences. The article discusses in more detail issues related to student admissions to universities of applied sciences.

Student admissions at universities of applied sciences: questions and answers >>




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Entrance examination for universities of applied sciences to be carried out in two stages