Changes in the student admission process, but selections made despite coronavirus

Universities of applied sciences will replace the entrance examinations of this spring’s first joint application process planned for April with admissions based on school performance and selection assignments. This is done in response to Finland’s decision to close its borders as part of the measures to combat the coronavirus pandemic. This decision was made in a rectors’ conference held on Tuesday 17 March.

During this state of emergency, international students would be prevented from participating in entrance examinations in Finland. As travel restrictions and quarantines also apply to a number of other countries, organising the examinations is also no longer possible outside Finland’s borders. Thankfully, the FINNIPS network of Finland’s universities of applied sciences has already previously organised examinations in ten different countries.

Instead of entrance examinations, universities of applied sciences will rely on applicants’ school performance and selection assignments in making selections on candidates applying for foreign-language education. The results of the FINNIPS network’s entrance examinations arranged outside Finland, will, however, be acknowledged in the student selection.

The selection of students based on their school performance will take into account applicants seeking admission based on their matriculation examinations and vocational upper secondary qualifications similarly as in the spring’s second joint application.

Preparations of the selection assignment and an online interview possibly connected with this will continue in the network of managers of academic affairs of universities of applied sciences.

The second joint application process to universities of applied sciences will begin on Wednesday 18 March. More than half of the intake places will be filled based on the applicants’ school performance. If the entrance examination for universities of applied sciences planned for the beginning of June cannot be organised due to the coronavirus epidemic, universities of applied sciences will make some other arrangements for selecting applicants.



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