Student selection for Universities of Applied Sciences programmes conducted in English is reformed – towards more applicant-friendly student selection

Student selection procedures for Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) study programmes conducted in English are being developed into a more uniform and streamlined direction.

In recent years, several entrance exams have been in use for UAS study programmes conducted in English. From the applicant’s perspective, this has been perplexing and complicated. In 2022 UAS launch, for the first time and in close collaboration, a joint online entrance exam called the International UAS Exam. It will be used in all study fields. A new joint website has been launched to support uniform steering and communication of student selection procedures of UAS study programmes conducted in English.

International UAS Exam – new joint entrance exam

International UAS Exam is the new joint entrance exam of Finnish UAS, to be used in selecting students to UAS study programmes leading to a degree and conducted in English. The entrance exam will be used in spring 2022 first joint application round.

International UAS Exam consists of two phases. The first phase written examination will be organised on 9.2.2022. The second phase group interviews will be organised between 2.–16.3.2022. All eligible applicants who have passed the written exam will be invited to the group interview.

The entrance exam is used in all study fields and it replaces the previous field-specific entrance exams. From the applicant’s perspective, the procedure is simpler: with a single exam, the applicant can apply to several study programmes available for application, in many study fields. An online exam may be taken anywhere in the world, and the applicant does not have to travel to Finland for it. The entrance exam assesses the applicant’s readiness for UAS studies and does not include any advance reading materials or pre-assignments.

More information on student selection for study programmes conducted in English at

A joint website in English has been launched. Its purpose is to offer information on student selection of study programmes leading to a UAS degree and conducted in English.

The website offers information on how to apply for a UAS study programme conducted in English, the selection methods and studying in UAS in general. The website is aimed at those interested in UAS study programmes conducted in English, study counsellors and all those who are interested in student selection in higher education.

Along with, / website offers information on student selection for UAS study programmes conducted in Finnish and Swedish, and on studying in UAS in general. The website works as a joint UAS platform for communicating on student selection and studying.

After its launch, will be further developed and new information will be added. More detailed information on International UAS Exam will be updated there by the end of 2021.

Welcome to the new website!



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Student selection for Universities of Applied Sciences programmes conducted in English is reformed – towards more applicant-friendly student selection